You are all invited to the
An Evening of Praise and Worship
Saturday, 20 April 2013 – 7:30 PM
Wilson Street Baptist Church
This event is an excellent opportunity to listen and participate in praising and worshipping God in different languages.
Praise and worship teams of Samoa, Philippines, Vanuatu and New Zealand congregations will lead us in this gathering.
This is a multicultural event.
It’s also a time to meet and encourage one another.
We believe this meeting foreshadows our great gathering when the Lord Jesus Christ comes.
Your presence and participation would be much appreciated.
For more details, please contact:
Errol James (6860652)
Jonan Castillon (6849360
Pastor John McMullan (688-8018)
I’m looking forward to this event when people from different languages and cultural backgrounds share their God-given talents and friendships. It’s an opportunity for those who have been around South Canterbury a bit longer to welcome and give hospitality.
It promises to be a time when new friendships are made, when we see something of God’s bigger picture and step out of our comfort zones to explore the richness of God’s diverse and colourful world.
Pastor John McMullan
Hi…this sounds interesting…please can you send me an email version for me to forward to contacts? Also i wondered if your pastor could help me with a research report on “settling In” in Aoraki…about the diversity of your congregation?
Hi Kate, yes I will send through email. Regarding the research report, I will ask Pastor John. Thanks.
Hi Kate, I’m happy to talk with you about your research report on ‘Settling In’ in Aoraki, and also about diversity. I have experienced it the other way, when living in another country. Some of those insights may help. Settling in, and welcoming new people is important for the health of our community. I don’t know that we at Wilson Street do it that well, but I hope we’re growing in it.