Learn why we need to establish a robust multicultural response ministry in our church. What must we do?
Why multicultural response?
It is a ministry focusing on mustering the responses of the Christian community to the multicultural situation and trend in South Canterbury.
Multicultural Response is the host’s (New Zealand-based Christians) response to the guests who have come to work and live in Timaru and regions beyond.
It is an opportunity to get to know people coming from different places fellowship with them in the spirit of Christian love.
How should we respond?
Jesus Christ commanded us to love God and our neighbours as we love ourselves.
Who are our neighbours? How can we show our love to them?
How many ways and circumstances can we testify how loving we are to our neighbours?
People from many nations are coming to New Zealand to live and work. Look around your neighbourhood.
Take time to see who’s sitting in the pews around you in the church. New faces are coming and joining in the fellowship.
Brief history

Celebrating Multicultural Response Ministry
We thank the Lord God Almighty for giving us the Multicultural Response Ministry and sustaining us in the past years.
The multicultural event, “Evening of Praise and Worship“, on 20th April 2013 marked the launching of the ministry.
How are you responding to the multicultural trend in your church and community?