Faith-Wisdom Discovery is one of the five tools in the Ministry Appreciation and Participation Toolkit.
On 23 February, the Ministry Tool Makers and Users group will meet to map out their faith journey and discover the wisdom they learned along the way.
The group will also discover their faith-wisdom about church family life.
Using the “Faith-Wisdom Discovery” tool will enable the pastor or ministry leader to NEVER run out of things to do in church.
Teaching the church to create its Faith-Wisdom Discovery map will result in confidence in the faithfulness and wisdom of God in one’s life or the life of the whole church.
The Faith-Wisdom Discovery Map is beneficial for sermon theme planning, sermon making, and organising pastoral care ministry. It is a handy and flexible ministry tool.
Our group meets every fortnight at WSBC Hall, 17 Wilson Street, Timaru.
We plan to refine and document the process and share this tool with pastors and ministry leaders here and abroad.
Very grateful for this.