Last Sunday, during our 140th Foundation Anniversary worship service, we shared our hopes and dreams for Oamaru Baptist Church in our testimonies portion.
We announced the topic in advance, so several members shared their thoughts. After everyone had shared, Mary, a senior member, stood and read the hopes and dreams for the church that she wrote.
Unexpectedly, she also read a tribute to me, which script is shown below.
Mary’s words deeply humble me. In my mind, I was only doing my job as their pastor, and with accountability to my Lord and Master, Jesus Christ, I must do my best.
My family and I are encouraged by Mary’s tribute and the profound appreciation and gratefulness of the church members.
The work at OBC is a team effort, Castillon team – Jewel, Jadyn and I; Hopevale Trust; the governance team; our home church, Gleniti Baptist Church; and most of all, OBC’s active participation and committed support.
In response, I stood and thanked Mary for her sincere, kind, and generous tribute to me. Before I became emotional, I told the congregation that hearing Mary’s tribute while still alive was such a blessing. Laughter roars ensued. 😆
There is plenty of work to be done at OBC. Let us continue to pray to God that He will lead and guide us each step of the way.
Unlike so many, we do not peddle the word of God for profit. On the contrary, in Christ we speak before God with sincerity, as those sent from God (2 Corinthians 2:17)
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