Photo credit: Dr. Elmo Familiaran
American Baptist Churches delegates and participants in the American Baptist Churches USA 2019 Biennial Mission Summit sang, “Let Us Sing Praises” during the 22nd June worship service.
It is the English version of “Mag-amba sang Pagdayaw,” which I composed originally in the Hiligaynon language in 1989.

The ABCUSA worship team performed the song, among others, during the worship service evening at 7:00 PM of 22nd June (11:00 AM of 23rd June in NZ time).
Earlier in February, Rev. Dr. Carla Romarate Knipel, Senior Pastor of Central Baptist Church of Woodbury, New Jersey contacted me regarding using “Mag-amba sang Pagdayaw” for the mission summit.
“Our Worship Coordinator wanted a Filipino worship song, and I suggested your song because I know how to sing it,” she said.
Carla and I have known each other in the Convention of Philippine Baptist circles. We are both pastor’s kids and we are alumni of the College of Theology, Central Philippine University.
My thanks to Carla for causing this great opportunity to collaborate and somehow be a part of the ABCUSA 2019 mission summit through the song that I composed.
In March, I coordinated with Pastor Julio, the ABCUSA Worship Team Director regarding the lyrics and music. The Rev. Julio González-Paniagua is the Senior Pastor of the First Spanish Baptist Church of Central Islip, New York.
I congratulate Pastor Julio and whole ABCUSA Worship Band (Rhythm Section and Voices) for doing an excellent job. Thank you very much. Mabuhay!
Watch the video with Rev. Dr. Knipel leading the ABCUSA Worship Team.
The team sang the English version twice and the Hiligaynon (our native language) version once. I have included the lyrics, so I’m sure you will appreciate watching the video below:
VIDEO CREDIT: Pastor Manuel (Mawê) and Miriam de la Fuente
[…] “Let Us Sing Praises” is the English version of the song “Mag-Amba Sang Pagdayaw“, which is a popular Hiligaynon (or Ilonggo) praise song among Baptist churches in Western Visayas and some churches in Mindanao. […]